Pace Funeral Home


Pace Funeral Home maintains a tradition of personal attention to our families' needs and individual desires. We offer professional direction of services, whether they are held in our funeral home, in a church, at a cemetery, or in a private home or other location.

Many details have to be considered, and decisions made, in arranging a service, whether at the time of need or in advance. We at Pace Funeral Home want to make it easier for you by providing helpful information.

Local Transportation

According to your needs, we offer limousine service for the family, clergy and pallbearers, as well as a hearse and flower vehicle to the cemetery.

Minister, Priest, Celebrant ...

In accordance with your faith, we will consult with your choice of clergy and provide the necessary information for the service.

Our staff is knowledgeable and experienced in the funeral practice of most religions, as well as those of the various fraternal orders. We will adeptly oversee proper adherence to ceremonies and rituals. Many of our client families choose to honor their deceased through non-religious forms of memorialization, and we can assist with that as well.

Government and Insurance Payments

We assist our client families in filling out and filing forms for Social Security, Veteran's benefits, insurance, pensions, union benefits, Civil Service benefits, etc. Of course, these matters are handled in strictest confidence. We do have an in-house Notary Public for your convenience.

Out-of-Town Arrangements

When a death occurs outside our community, you can rely on Pace Funeral Home to handle all the details. We have contacts in most every city in the United States and many cities throughout the world. We can arrange services or burial according to your wishes almost anywhere. In this way, we can help you avoid duplication of effort, unnecessary expense, anxiety and needless travel.

We can arrange transportation for the deceased and escorts anywhere through our more than 3,200 world-wide affiliates.

Embalming and Viewing Policy

Texas law does not require embalming. In most cases, refrigeration can be furnished at no charge.

You may have a funeral service with an unembalmed body present as long as there is not a health hazard. Viewing is possible of an unembalmed body in most instances for a short period of time for family and friends.


Funerals are most meaningful when they are personalized. When you are planning a funeral, think about the special qualities of the person who died and what he or she meant to others. How can you capture this unique life? With creative ideas and help from us, the funeral of your loved one will be a celebration filled with lasting memories.

Capturing the Personality of Your Loved One

  • Display personal items or bits and pieces of their favorite hobby. We offer tables and memory boards to help you.
  • Select flowers that hold special meaning or memories.
  • Create a theme that is significant to the interests of your loved one such as:
    • For a veteran, displaying the uniform, a photo of him or her in the service, the American flag, medals or other memorabilia
    • For someone interested in crafts, it could include artwork, needlepoint, a quilt or afghan, or other pieces he or she created
    • Religious theme
    • Ranching or Farming theme
    • Fishing or hunting theme
  • Personalized merchandise, such as:
    • Casket Cap Panels and Interchangeable Corners
    • Memorial Folders or Prayer Cards
    • Flag Cases
    • Cremation Urns
  • Video Memorial tribute for viewing at the visitation, funeral service and/or memorial service
  • Allow children to write a letter or draw a picture. Their goodbyes can then be placed in the casket.  
  • Balloon release
  • Bagpiper


We offer the widest range of options available. By comparison our prices are reasonable and represent what we feel is an ideal combination of moderate prices and outstanding service. We have never turned any family away because they did not have adequate funds. We will do everything we can to help the needy.

To receive a copy of our General Price List please call 936-967-3711 or email us at



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Pace Funeral Home
200 FM 350 North
Livingston, TX 77351
Phone: 936-967-3711
Fax: 936-967-3715

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